Pac-Man 256
Playstation 4 Version
Do you like sharks with frickin lasers? Well, unfortunately for you, Pac-Man 256 doesn't exactly have those, but in this latest version of the arcade and home console classic, Pac-Man has plenty of tools, gadgets, and upgrades to accompany his endless journey of collecting pellets and avoiding ghosts.
Similar to previous Pac-Man releases, Pac-Man 256 gives players plenty of different level variants to choose from, including the classic 80's, pac-mania, and garden level variations. These level variations are primarily cosmetic in nature, yet many of them change the skin of both good and bad characters, such as turning the classic Pac-Man ghosts into lady bugs in the "garden" map. Although many of these different level variations can be colorful and interesting, it's worth noting that the excitement fades quickly.
The core gameplay of Pac-Man 256 involves the character circulating through an endless a maze collecting pellets, while simultaneously trying to avoid ghosts, which kill Pac-Man on contact. Perhaps equally as dangerous as ghosts is the fact the bottom portion of the map continuously fades away during Pac-Mans journey. In 256, this phenomenon is referred to as 'the glitch', and has a strong effect on the way players will engage the game. Unlike Pac-Man classics and those awesome digital re-makes, the man himself no longer has the option of endless map circulation to avoid ghosts and collect pellets. Also worth noting is the fact that Pac-Man only has one life this time around, forcing players to restart their journey should they make contact with the glitch or a ghost.
One of the most interesting aspects of Pac-Man 256 is the fact that Pac-Man can farm equipment, coins, and upgrades. Throughout game progression, players have the option of unlocking different upgrades, ranging from offensive lasers to tornadoes. Each of the upgrades can be unlocked from collecting in-game pellets, and all of the upgrades can be continuously leveled up to level 8 using the coin system. Players can also choose which of the three upgrades they want to spawn during a gameplay session, of which makes for some interesting mix ups.

Despite the fact that Pac-Man 256 offers four-player local multiplayer and interesting new weapons, I still left the game feeling both uninspired and bored. Comparing 256 with prior Pac-Man digital releases, such as Championship Edition DX, only gives a strong impression that 256 lacks the genuine excitement and creativity that prior titles once offered.
Overall Rating